American Mink control
Lady Mole Catcher is also qualified to deal with American Mink.
About American Mink
A non-native species, the semi-aquatic American Mink (Neovison vison) is found across the UK and can cause a negative impact on surrounding wildlife and habitat. Often mistaken for otters, American Mink are smaller and as the name suggests, native to North America. With no natural predators in the UK, this alien invader is thriving.
Their presence around the world is due to escapees or animals who were deliberately released from fur farms in the 1990s – today’s American Mink are usually their descendants. In Norfolk, the American Mink can have a highly detrimental affect on many of indigenous animals, including protected wildlife. The Norfolk Biodiversity Partnership encourages control programmes to prevent this highly active predator from killing water voles (an endangered species), wild birds and water fowl.
How do you know if you have American Mink on your land?
If you have birds or fish, you may notice a sharp decline in their numbers. This is often an indicator of the presence of American Mink because they are aggressive and will kill more prey than they need. This also applies to caged birds or poultry as female and young mink are small enough to enter small spaces. American Mink tend to follow waterways and can be found in fresh and salt water areas.
Why control American Mink?
There are a few issues to consider if you discover American Mink:
- American Mink numbers have increased rapidly in the last 30-40 years and they are now widespread across the UK
- The mink we have in Britain are not native and therefore can create issues for our established wildlife (especially endangered water voles)
- An aggressive predator, the American Mink can easily destroy fish, wild birds, water fowl and poultry
- Law states that if a non-native animal is caught in a trap, the trapper is legally obliged to dispatch the animal, as release would be a criminal offence.
- There are several methods for killing mink but it’s preferable to use the most humane methods available (such as specially designed cages or mink rafts)
- The Canal & River Trust supports targeted control of American mink, in order to protect our waterways, as well as for the conservation of water vole populations. Find out more at
- American Mink also has an impact on the tourism industry – especially game shooting and angling

Louise Chapman BA (Hons) PGCE
Norfolk’s very own Lady Mole Catcher®
Who I work with
- Householders in their gardens
- Farmers and Land Agents
- Outdoor Leisure Facilities
- Businesses
- Restaurants and Pubs
- Schools/Colleges
- Local Authorities
If American Mink are causing problems in your area, get in touch with Louise to arrange for a site survey or consultation. Call 01603 25 99 45 or 07876 14 11 53 or email